Fisioterapeuta en pediatría en CDIAT-APANDID (Torrijos-Toledo). Terapeuta certificada AHA. Máster en Atención Temprana y en Pediatría. Docente de diversospostgrados depediatría.Experiencia investigadora en la aplicación de diversos protocolos de terapia restrictiva y bimanual en el entorno natural del niño.
Teacher name was born in the middle of 70’s in the generation that swore to be young forever and with this young soul the teacher name saw your professional life arises so fast. Read the details below:
Still young teacher traveled so far to achieve their goals investing is his career. Teacher was one of eight chidren of a poor family living the rural area of the country and as happens with a lot of people teacher had to leave your parents and family behind to go for his dreams. In 1988 his arrived in the big city with only his clothes and nothing more. His began to make some courses and discovered he wanna be a great instructor and this was.
Still in 1988 the teacher invested in his career by accomplish a high degree level at Educa University and since then his life has change drastically. Now he makes not only his dreams come true but the whole family dreams. This is a ficticious story for demo purposes.
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